Obliterator v.1.7.1


This release contains the following improvements:


Exchange Web Services (EWS) Support

Add EWS support to Obliterator so that EWS acquisitions can be used as a starting point for Exchange/O365 mailbox remediation.

Arman Gungor


✔ EWS support also includes support for Impersonation. So, a service account can be used to remediate multiple target mailboxes from an Exchange / O365 organization.

✔ Both modern authentication and legacy authentication are supported for EWS.


Output a Separate Remaining Items Log for Retryable Items

Have Obliterator output two Remaining Items Logs: A list of all remaining items regardless of their status A list of only the remaining items that do not have a permanent error such as 404. The second list can be fed back into Obliterator for subsequent remediation attempts if needed.

Arman Gungor


✔ The target mailbox information is now included in Obliterator's logs.