Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaBatch Remediation for Exchange
Obliterator currently supports using centralized credentials for Exchange remediation via Impersonation. Allow the creation of a combined input list where one of the columns represents the target email account so that items from multiple mailboxes can be remediated in one session. Similar to what Obliterator can currently do with Google Workspace when domain-wide delegation of authority is used.
Arman Gungor#Improvement 👍0
Output a Separate Remaining Items Log for Retryable Items
Have Obliterator output two Remaining Items Logs: A list of all remaining items regardless of their status A list of only the remaining items that do not have a permanent error such as 404. The second list can be fed back into Obliterator for subsequent remediation attempts if needed.
Arman Gungor#Improvement 👍1
Exchange Web Services (EWS) Support
Add EWS support to Obliterator so that EWS acquisitions can be used as a starting point for Exchange/O365 mailbox remediation.
Arman Gungor#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗0